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"If the government robs Peter to pay Paul, he can count on the continued support of Paul.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


"The first to break the silence is radio host and Christian activist/evangelist Dave Daubenmire. A former 25-year high school coach, Daubenmire is a rising all-American, second tier evangelical leader who has been featured by CBS, MSNBC, and others on a number of major political programs -- including defending faith and freedom as a guest of Geraldo Rivera. He is a regular featured writer for WorldNetDaily and NewsWithViews. (His website is www.coachdavelive.com.) He has also been quietly reading my e-alerts for the past four years. Recently, in an unprecedented 50-minute broadcast with me, he declared his opposition to ADL. He enthusiastically agrees with my explanation of why Christian America is losing our God-given freedoms and what can be done to redeem them."

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