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"If the government robs Peter to pay Paul, he can count on the continued support of Paul.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Stimulus to Nowhere

"Where are we today?

"Well, President Obama promised the creation of 3.5 million jobs in his Stimulus To Nowhere. There have been 2.8 million jobs lost since then.

"The unemployment rate was 7.7% when Obama was pushing his federal boondoggle. It stands at 9.7% today.

"Forty-seven states have lost jobs since the Stimulus To Nowhere was passed.

"And, where has all of this money gone? Well, in June 2009, Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) published a listing of 100 questionable pork barrel projects that are to be funded by the Stimulus To Nowhere. These wasteful projects amounted to $5.5 billion of the stimulus money.

"As Sen. Coburn points out, this legislation was passed without a single legislator actually reading the entire bill!

"And, now President Obama is pushing for passage of another so-called stimulus bill. This is irrational thinking. If a trillion dollar boondoggle failed, why does Obama think that another one will succeed?

"What America needs is tax cuts, a halt to binge spending, and a reduction in the control that the federal government has over our economic well-being. The feds should get out of the way and let the free market operate.

"But, these rational suggestions will not be considered by a man whose vision is for a federal government that controls literally every aspect of our lives. President Obama has a socialist utopia in mind – something that never has and never will exist on this planet.

"Americans must reject Obama’s socialist schemes – and they have the opportunity for 'change' and 'hope' as the November elections approach."

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