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Thursday, October 1, 2009

ABC News: Heart-breaking, Wrong, and Not Quite Accurate

"Earlier this month, when the President addressed a joint sessions of Congress to push health care reform, he said:

"'One man from Illinois lost his coverage in the middle of chemotherapy because his insurer found that he hadn't reported gallstones that he didn't even know about. They delayed his treatment, and he died because of it. Another woman from Texas was about to get a double mastectomy when. By the time she had her insurance reinstated, her breast cancer had more than doubled in size. her insurance company canceled her policy because she forgot to declare a case of acne. That is heart-breaking, it is wrong, and no one should be treated that way in the United States of America.'

"Both stories were shared at a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on oversight and investigation hearing in June. It turns out that while it's impossible to defend the behavior of the insurance companies in either instance, the stories, as the president told them, were not accurate."

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