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Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Congo: Another Quiet Riot by Blacks in the US...Even from Obama.

"We moan and groan that we commit countless acts of violence against each other because our history was robbed from Us. That not only the Slave owners are responsible for our poverty of spirit and mind, but even the Whites of today are to blame. There are countless videos downing so The Whites Man's Religion and that we need to embrace the Religion's Africa. Geeze, I thought Christianity originated in Africa too.

"Yet through all of this, when I shared a video about the violence against women in the Congo, (people's whose forefathers were not brought here as slaves), explaining the rape of thousands of women by their own countrymen, no one commented save one at last look. Why? Because this throws all of the excuses for Black on Black crime here in America out of the window. No one stole those bastards heritage in the Congo. Did they? What is their excuse? Oh, White men stole their brothers from West Africa and brought them to America as slaves. So they are still pissed off. That is why they rape their own women. Now I get it."

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