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"If the government robs Peter to pay Paul, he can count on the continued support of Paul.

Monday, October 12, 2009


"Under federal laws adopted post 9/11, the Secretary of HHS can declare a national emergency and order all citizens to be vaccinated. These extreme powers can permit agents of the federal government to enter private residences to compel those inside to receive vaccinations.

"Let there be no mistake mandatory vaccination is an assault on individual liberty. It offends the core definition of liberty that underlies our Constitution for a person, against his or her will, to be forcibly injected with a foreign substance. Sadly neither the federal nor the state governments provide any meaningful protection against mandatory vaccination. Instead, it is the rule of law everywhere in this country that everyone be vaccinated, thus subjecting the vast majority to a bodily intrusion that can have severe side effects for the sake of a minority who are or will become ill. The few exemptions that apply under state law (for religious, medical, and—in certain states—conscientious objections) are increasingly construed narrowly, making it more difficult for parents to escape the demands of public health authorities."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree with the view that manadory vaccination should be considered assault and battery.

I am a healthcare worker and recently completed an extensive preemployment enrollment process. After completing this process, was told that I would have to get a varicella vaccine in order to work for this company.

The enrollment staff at this company have no healthcare backgrounds or specialized training for their positions.

I have been a healthcare worker for 30 years. I have worked at various facilities throughout the county including having worked in the past for this particular facility. I have never been told that I must have this vaccine in order to work.

In my case, a nonhealthcare professional has taken the liberty in attempting to dictate my healthcare and healthcare policy where it does not exist.

This agency employee is just collecting paperwork and really doesn't have any understanding or knowledge of why this information is being requested. The employee falsly perceived that since the titer was required that immunity is also required.

All too often bureaucracies or big institutions place the burden on the individuals or employees in order to obtain compliance with the latest trends or issues in healthcare. And they use the threat of termination of denial of employment as their leverage for compliance.

So, briefly in summary, large government agencies need to step up to the plate to provide the educational information so that individuals can make their own informed choices about their healthcare. Blanket decisions that are imposed upon large populations are not only an assault on ones personal liberties but the system is one that places healthcare policy decisions into the hands of nonhealthcare professionals. Large healthcare corporations also abuse this right as well. They are expected to contribute to the promotion of healthy communities. One of the easiest ways for them to do so is by shifting the burden of responsibility and expense onto the employee. It also allows Healthcare corporations the leverage of being able to deny individuals the ability to obtain gainful employment or the right to work in the field in which they were trained. In my case the mission of protecting the individual has been confused with the mission to protect the public.

When this occurs you see errors made, unfair bias and a distortion of the purpose and implementation of the mission as it was originally intended and unfair corporate practices. There are good reasons to vaccinate. But their are also valid risks involved. It is not a one size fits all package and federally mandated vaccinations do not provide a system in which individual deviations from the masses can be provided for and taken into consideration. Mandating vaccines should not be the solution to obtaining compliance and can lead to further unfair corporate practices impacting individual rights. Henceforth, vaccinations should be encouraged but not required by law. The committment should be towards availability and education not rely on enforcement.

A very important post. Thank you. Please excuse any redundancy but I am on a limited timeframe but felt it important to post.

Devora Hertz