"What luck for the rulers that men do not think." -Adolf Hitler
"I will bring this war to an end in 2009. So don’t be confused." -- Senator Barack Obama

"If you don't like Obama, you is a racist!" -- Kelonda

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"If the government robs Peter to pay Paul, he can count on the continued support of Paul.

Monday, October 12, 2009

(Yawn) What else is new?

"'Change? What change?' read one protester’s sign board. 'The Audacity of War Crimes!' read another, mocking the title of one of Obama’s best-selling books.

"The war protesters are not Obama’s only critics on the left. Liberals have found cause to grumble about Obama’s handling of Guantánamo, labor legislation, Wall Street regulation, retention of Bush-era policy on terror detainees and health insurance.

"Their beef with the president includes delay (on regulating a reckless financial industry); failure to lead (a public option heath plan), and abandonment of previous commitments (on Guantánamo and treatment of detainees)."

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