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Monday, October 5, 2009

Dr. Tim Ball: President Obama Keeps Repeating Climate Falsehoods

"False claim that CO2 is a pollutant"

"Obama’s speeches follow a pattern. Invoke a big name from the past: here he used John F Kennedy, 'Our problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man.' The problem is global warming or climate changes are not man-made. Next he presents a few ‘facts’ to substantiate the threat. Then he exaggerates the situation to justify draconian intervention. Here he repeats Moon’s inaccurate message. The 'threat from climate change is serious, it is urgent, and it is growing.' Throughout he repeats a claim for emphasis; in this case it’s the false claim that CO2 is a pollutant. He makes seven references.

"The few ‘facts’ start with; 'Rising sea levels threaten every coastline.' No they don’t! Actually, there are many areas where land is rising and sea levels falling. Sea level rise is the centerpiece of Gore’s movie. It has risen steadily and naturally over the last few thousand years as we emerged from the ice age, but the rate of increase has decreased."

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