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Monday, October 5, 2009

Yid with Lid: Mr. President Put the Coffee Down, COFFEE IS FOR CLOSERS!

"One of the first things sales managers taught me when I entered Advertising Sales was never put down your own product. Whether it was a right decision for him to have attended that meeting or not, the only purpose of him going to the IOC meeting was to be the closer, the heavy hitting Chief Salesman. But the President told the IOC that America's world image is 'the pits.' Hell, if your closer doesn't have confidence in the product, why should the buyer have any confidence?

"President Obama can't blame IOC politics for the loss, like David Axelrod tried to neither spin, nor can he blame his right wing radio boogey met Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck. The only one President Obama can blame is himself. He 'crapped' on his product during the final pitch. He gave the IOC a reason to say no."

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