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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Jeremy Wiggins: The Cost of Failure - No Olympics for Chicago

"For Air Force One to fly to Copenhagen, it cost taxpayers: $429,536 EACH WAY.

"For the cargo plane to fly to Copenhagen, it cost us : $64,032 EACH WAY.

"So just for the PLANES to fly to Copenhagen and back : $987,136.

"That's just the planes! That's not including security, hotel, transportation to and from the airport, and food costs. And that's just President Obama! That's not including the cost for Michelle Obama to go there, and it leaves one to wonder if the taxpayers paid for Oprah to travel there as well. I personally don't think the middle of a recession where we have a 9.8% unemployment rate is the time for the President to fly to Copenhagen to shell out a favor for his hometown of Chicago. Do you?"

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