"What luck for the rulers that men do not think." -Adolf Hitler
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"If the government robs Peter to pay Paul, he can count on the continued support of Paul.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Roger L Simon: Tibet: Now Obama loses the Richard Gere vote

"Here’s a short list (I’m missing plenty):

"The healthcare plan is an ever-shifting pile of papers from the secretarial pool. Was there ever really a plan? Everything is being done in such a rush it makes the Mad Hatter seem like a slow poke.

"The stimulus plan is mostly unspent and what is spent has gone for the most part to cronies. (Sen. Thune says we should use the unspent 330 billion to pay down the debt and he’s probably right.) Moreover, it’s not working and the president seems to have no idea what to do.

"Afghanistan — supposedly Obama’s war — is a mess with the president apparently furious at his own general for being honest.

"The Olympic fiasco — I won’t even go there.

"Democracy movements in Iran and Honduras are dissed in favor of cozying up to dictators. (This is the most disgusting and reactionary to me.)

"Israel given the back of the hand.

"ACORN, Chicago, etc., etc.

"And now (ht: Fred Siesel) even the Dalai Lama gets left out in the cold!"

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